
Dear {title} {givenname} {surname},

IEEE-RSM2021: Acceptance of Paper


It is our pleasure to inform you that the 2021 IEEE Regional Symposium on Micro and Nanoelectronics (RSM2021) will be held as a virtual conference on August 2nd – 4th, 2021. Many delegates from all over the world are expected to participate, and it is a great honour for us to host this virtual conference.

 On behalf of the IEEE-RSM2021 Secretariat Committee, we are pleased to inform you that your manuscript #{paper}  - '{papertitle}' has been accepted for an Oral Presentation. In this regard, we are glad to invite you to attend the virtual conference and present your work.

 Please note that the Early Bird registration fee expires on July 2nd, 2021, and payment must be made through EDAS or Bank Transfer. Only papers that are presented at the conference will be forwarded to IEEE for further indexing. All quality papers will be published in IEEE Xplore and will be indexed in Scopus/ISI.

The final technical program will be available on the website very soon. The conference will be an excellent platform for you to share your work and further extend your network to other academicians and industrial players from various countries.

Thank you very much for your participation. We look forward to seeing you at the conference.


Thank you and looking forward to seeing you virtually in August!





This is an official computer-generated acceptance letter for the  {name}. No signature is required.

RSM 2021


Kindly note that EDAS requires you to register and complete the payment before uploading the final paper as well as the completion of eCF to attend the {shortname}  conference.

You are requested to register the paper at {REGISTER}. 

Payment can be made on or before 2nd July 2021 to get an Early Bird Registration Rate. Details of the registration can be found at Payment can be made through EDAS at {REGISTER} or via Malaysian Bank transfer.

Please upload the proof of payment (Bank transfer Only) and notify us at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please allow us 4-5 days to validate and update your payment details in EDAS to upload your final manuscript.

Please follow these steps before submitting your final paper to EDAS before 2nd July 2021:

  1. Ensure that all instructions and comments from reviewers are taken into account in your corrections. Make sure that the similarity score is less than 30%.

  2. Follow exactly the IEEE format (make sure paper size is A4) for a conference paper ( Failing to comply may result in your paper not being accepted for further indexing by IEEE Xplore.

  3. Add copyright notice at the footer of your first page (if there is no footer) (left indent, Times New Roman, size 10):
    978-1-6654-1232-2/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE if the footer is not there and changes this footer based on IEEE copyright notice mentioned on the conference website

  4. Use IEEE PDF eXpress site to validate your PDF or convert word file for IEEE Xplore compliance (52397X for the Conference ID). The Instructions can be found at

  5.  Ensure that all authors name in the EDAS system before submitting the Copyright Form (eCF) (if necessary, update the authors' name, title and abstract in EDAS). Make sure that you have already registered and paid at {REGISTER}.

  6. Upload your IEEE certified PDF to EDAS for the final manuscript at {PAPER} (make sure that you have registered and completed IEEE copyright eCF through EDAS).

  7. Detailed information for the preparation of the final manuscript can be found at